Friday, April 29, 2011

STYLE :: THE Dress

Truly, madly, deeply in love with Kate Middleton's Alexander McQueen gown.
{image courtesy of Getty}

Want to see more of this classic, gorgeous lace-sleeved dress? Fashionista rounded up a collection of images from the wedding that shows the gown from every angle.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

LIFE :: Sail Away

I'm considering skipping all of my finals and sailing away in this beauty.

{image courtesy of Velvet Italia May 2011 photographed by Marcus Ohlsson}

In all actuality, I guess I will continue studying.... but a sailing adventure does sound tempting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

FASHION :: Water for Elephants

This weekend, I went to see Water for Elephants which finally came out in theaters and it was just as excellent as I had hoped. I have a horrible fear of movie adaptations but it has been almost three years since I read the book and I think enough time has passed for me to forgive any artistic liberties.

While the plot was wondrous, my favorite parts of WFE were Reese Witherspoon's drop-dead gorgeous outfits. From the slinky evening gowns to her casual headscarves, I'd wear nearly every piece of clothing in the film, even though it is supposed to be based in the 1930s!

Jacqueline West designed the costumes for Water for Elephants.  She has also designed the clothing for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and The Tree of Life (due out later this year).

Above are some sketches that Jacqueline made for InStyle magazine. I am fascinated by Ms. West's ability to bring these sketches to life in the film. Which sketch is your favorite? I'm particularly keen on Reese's red gown.

The time has come or me to continue studying for tomorrow's exam!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Magic :: America

I've spent the majority of the weekend and ALL of today finishing up a term paper that is due at midnight. My brain is fried and I've typed so much that I may have developed carpal tunnel in one day. Solution: the picture will do the talking for me. Enjoy this awesome infographic of sorts from HaleyForEtsy!

 P.S. According to this, North Carolina is known for fashion bloggers. I'd tend to agree!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

SPORT :: Tennis

 {image courtesy of}

Off to play some tennis this morning to celebrate the lovely weather and the fact that I'm officially on Easter break!

It's taking me a while to get a hang of the game but I'm enjoying my attempts. Plus, I promised myself that once I've played for two months, I'm allowed to get a cute tennis skirt. It's all about incentives, my friends!

What's your favorite sport?


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FASHION :: Formal Night

This past weekend, I had my sorority formal and I got the chance to get all gussied up. Here's a Polyvore of my lovely outfit:

There are some minor differences, mainly in that I couldn't find my exact dress online. This substitute is gorgeous, but at a whopping $425 it isn't feasible on a college budget. I really, REALLY lucked out with this dress though. I walked into Nordstrom Rack on Tuesday, tried on exactly one dress and fell in love. Even better? It was 60% off the lowest marked price so I was met with a lovely surprise at the register. Final price for the gorgeous gown? $35!! You just can't beat that.

I also wore stunning earrings named after yours truly. If you haven't checked out Modest Peach, do so now. All of the jewelry on Modest Peach is exactly my style. Click on Earrings and then click on Whitney to see my pair.

Here are some pictures of the dress in action:

Tell me, are you more of the dress up type or the dress down type?


Monday, April 18, 2011

LIFE :: North Carolina Tornadoes

This past Saturday, a storm system ripped across North Carolina. The weather was perfect for tornadoes and a total of 62 twisters touched the ground over the period of a few hours. The devastation is widespread and my own hometown of Raleigh was hit rather hard. Thankfully, all of my family and friends as well as their property is safe, but as of right now, twenty-two people have lost their lives in this storm and countless homes have been destroyed.

I was in Chapel Hill, a few miles down the road from Raleigh, when all of this occurred and it feels very surreal. The storm was not bad in Chapel Hill and within 20 minutes the sun was shining. It is really crazy that tornadoes can cause such destruction in an isolated area and everything else remains unharmed.

My warmest thoughts go out to all those North Carolinians affected by the tornadoes. If you would like to help out after this disaster, please make a donation to the Triangle Red Cross. This money will go to providing shelters and food as people recover and begin rebuilding their lives.


All images courtesy of

Thursday, April 14, 2011

STYLE :: Sarah Pinto and Water for Elephants

At the very tip-top of my I-want-it-now list are these adorable preppy planners from Sarah Pinto.

I'm particularly in love with the pink and green elephant design. Maybe the reason behind the elephant obsession is the much anticipated movie, Water for Elephants. I LOVED the book and I'm desperately hoping that the movie won't let me down.

Either way, there have been a lot of elephant pictures floating around the blogosphere as of late and I smile every time I see one. Did you see the stunning shoot in Vogue this month with Reese Witherspoon and her elephant pal? As long as we keep getting stunning pictures like these, I don't care if the movie is good or bad!

{photos courtesy of Peter Lindbergh for Vogue}

What do you think? Do you have elephant fever? Are you planning on seeing the movie?

Until later,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FASHION :: COUTURevolution

This past Sunday I attended the second annual COUTURevolution fashion show in Chapel Hill. The show featured sustainable fashions designed by UNC students and my dear roommate Liz was one of the models. Designers used vintage fabrics, recycled fabrics and natural fibers to create stunning outfits.

It was held outdoors in the beautiful Forest Theater and we couldn't have asked for better weather. 75 and sunny. Oh fab.

I was so impressed with the amount of work the volunteers put in as well as how creative and AWESOME some of the styles were. Here were my favorites:

 LOVE the back of this dress!

 Oh look! It's my roommate!
 Yes, that is a skirt made out of newspaper.
 This one stole the show. Isn't it gorgeous? It is entirely made out of newspaper. Even better, it is all created from the Daily Tar Heel, UNC's newspaper. Stunning.

 Backstage with the models.
Doesn't she look fierce? You can check out the rest of the professional photos by Chris Florio here.

Which design is your favorite?

Happy Tuesday!


Monday, April 11, 2011

LIFE :: Google Reader

Oh jeeze. I try to steer clear of my computer on the weekends but then I have to come back to my Google Reader. Today I had 305 unread posts and after a few minutes reading, I'm only down to 246.

As much as I love Google Reader and every single blog that I follow, maybe I should do a purge soon? It is giving me some unnecessary anxiety and also is tempting me to waste a HUGE block of time as I peruse my own little blogosphere. Do you use Google Reader? How many blogs do you follow?

Friday, April 8, 2011

FRIDAY FIX :: Bakery

Mark my words, I'm going to open a bakery someday.

 And someday when I get my own kitchen (aka next month), I'm baking these puppies. Sea Salt Caramel Brownies.

What's your favorite dessert?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

LIFE :: Carolina Cup 2011 :: The Whalegate Party

Out of the three years that I've attended Carolina Cup, I'd venture to say that this year blew my other dates with the Cup out of the water!

We awoke in the wee hours of the morning (4:30am) because we were supposed to be at the fraternity house, ready to go, at 5:30. When we arrived at 5:30, we were the first ones there (of course), and the majority of the boys were still asleep (of course). So we took a string of unflattering early morning photos:

 Note the random chair on the couch. Questionable.

We eventually got on the bus (only an hour late) and started the journey to Camden, SC. Country music were the tunes of choice and more than a few sing-a-longs were involved.

Once we made it to Camden, the good news started pouring in.
1. Our tent was A5. Right on the fences. I saw so many horses!
2. lunch was CATERED barbeque. Delicious.
3. It was sunny and warm. Weather makes all the difference!

 My day mainly consisted of finding various friends from different schools, taking pictures with them, taking pictures of horses, and taking pictures of the Vineyard Vines patchwork SUV.  How awesome is that?

Unlike last year, I did not break any electronics!!! This is a big step in the right direction.

We left the fields around 5:30 and nearly every person slept on the trip home. I'm still catching up on sleep, I swear!

Okay, I'm off to go take an exam (ew). Wish me luck!

Did you go to the Cup? 


P.S. I promise this is the last time I'll talk about Carolina Cup for at least a year! I'm sure you are all grateful for that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

CRAFT :: Carolina Cup :: Cooler Days

The South is full of traditions, from summer pig pickins' to bluegrass festivals. Southern Greeks have plenty of their own traditions and I took part in one such tradition this past week.

In many Southern schools, when girls get invited to fraternity events that involve traveling (Formal, Mountain Weekend, Carolina Cup), they paint the coolers that will inevitably be filled with alcoholic beverages for the trip.

Some of these coolers are real masterpieces and I swear the girls must neglect all schoolwork and sleep to finish these babies. While my cooler may not belong in a museum, I was VERY proud of my artistic skill. I convinced myself early on that I was only capable of drawing stick figures and haven't spent much time attempting to improve my lot in life as a terrible artists. When I began painting my cooler, I discovered two things: 1. painting is really relaxing and enjoyable. Who knew? 2. I have some semblance of skill!

Here is the finished product!

Want to paint a cooler for an event? Here's some advice.

1. Paint a white base coat on the entire cooler. This will make sure that your colors are vibrant.
2. Use acrylic paint. If possible, use the indoor/outdoor acrylics
3. Check out the Cooler Connection for ideas on what to paint. There are literally thousands of other coolers to draw inspiration from.
4. Make sure to cover your work of art with paint sealant after you are finished. Otherwise, you face the risk of it getting scratched up on it's first trip out into the world.

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